Landscape Designer & Urban Planner
A government-licensed DPLG landscape designer by training – at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage in Versailles – he worked for Alexandre Chemetoff before founding his own company. He teaches at a number of institutions on an ad hoc basis (schools of architecture and engineering, civil engineering training courses, etc.) and lectures on the relationship between mobility and planning in particular, as well as on the relationship between towns and nature, in Europe, Central America and Asia. Like all landscape designers of his generation, he began his career working on public projects. He has been working since 1995 on major public transport in exclusive right of way (TCSP) projects, the Strasbourg tram network in particular. More recently, he has developed regional projects that combine issues of urban forms, mobility and the environment. In 2000, he worked with the SCOT (Territorial Cohesion Plan) in Montpellier to devise and develop the concept of “inversion du regard”, taking a different perspective and rethinking urban space from what has yet to be built. He develops large-scale projects that combine ecological questions such as global warming, the relationship between cities and nature, and the transformation of the dislocated city. Project geography plays a growing role in his projects. He runs his multidisciplinary studio with the aim of remaining open to new issues, working with a circle of partners in a way that allows his work to evolve and his creativity to be stimulated. Alfred PETER was nominated for the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme in 2014.